I've been in a writing sprint, but for how rushed my brain is going (thank goodness I'm not working now) I'm simply running out of things to work on that don't take some serious research, which I
don't feel like doing. So... blog time!
I'm trying to seriously jumpstart my writing career, looking into getting a publishing agent to help out. I have one bookmarked, sounds like a real good group, not just some lawyer who likes to read contemporary stuff. They're in Oregon, so when we move up there, it'll work out great. Then they set me up with a publisher, do all the legal work that I'd have no clue where to even start. In return: 10%. Yikes. But then again, earning 90% of something is better than 100% of nothing, and I really don't feel like learning lawyer-ese just to publish this damn book. I'm getting a bit frustrated with it (I've been saying that for, what, eight years?).
Well, it's getting closer to being finished. I'm avoiding the research by jumping ahead to a later chapter. I hate doing that, it makes me confused with continuity. But... I really am in a fingers-flying-frantically-fast-fury feeling.
Woo! Say that three times fast!
Downing a cold cup of coffee in four seconds doesn't help. Wish me luck!