Monday, March 13, 2006


Okay, I admit, I live in a cave.

I had never even heard the word "indie" until I started reading Questionable Content (which, btw, I found totally by accident on some weird random internet research, no clue what, but it had something to do with the notorious unreliability of Wikipedia).

Now, thanks to Martin and Faye's obsessions, I'm finding Indie music not only interesting... I actually like it! Which is odd to say, because I haven't liked modern music since Nirvana was around.

Yes, I was into grunge once upon a time, in a land far far away called High School. Shut up.

Anyway... so now I've been properly introduced to groups like Good Charlotte, Mogwai, Sigur Rós, Explosions in the Sky, The Decemberists, and Interpol, among many others.

I'm finding myself really drawn toward the post-rock genre. I like to play it while I'm writing, although it gets distracting at times. Sorry, but it's too easy to start tripping to Jónsi's vocals.

If I had to make a suggestion to anyone on one particular song, I'd have to pick "Starálfur" by Sigur Rós on their Ágætis Byrjun album. It is so beautiful. I can listen to that song over and over. Even if you don't understand the language, you have to appreciate the instrumentation.

I might start writing reviews on the various bands I'm finding, particularly Sigur Rós, since I now have a lot of their stuff. It'd be fun to do, and it'd give me something to fill this blog with... maybe something people will actually come back and read =)

I did, after all, major in music for three years.

Oh, the memories of writing music reviews!

Curse my frontal cortex!