Completed. Finished.
The 6th book of my series is all finished, clocking in at 521 pages. One monster of a thing to write, too. Not the length. It's actually one of the shorter book (hey, I JUST finished it!) It was just... I dunno, too many factors that I hadn't planned on, tangents I did not anticipate, and once I was
near being finished, I realized I had loose ends I left dangling. So I've actually gone through this book three times with massive revisions.
know I'm going to have to go back in there and straighten it out a bit, fix grammar and stuff, but the plot, the dialogue, it is all DONE!
And I am please. I was actually laughing as I reread the last third of it, a part I had written months back, but forgot about as I fixed the middle section. Little jokes, innuendos, things I totally forgot about suddenly come back, and I laughed reading them again. That's I good sign, I hope.
Most importantly, I am satisfied with the ending. That almost never happens. I usually screw off the ending, or write it months beforehand so that it doesn't fit with the whole developed plotline. This time, it fits the rest of the plot, it has a recurrent phrase in it which ties it to the other 5 books, and it ends with a bit of a metaphor, which made me warm and tingly to realize I even did something like that.
And I'm rambling to all you who have no clue
what I'm writing. Let it suffice to all of you: IT IS DONE!
I now wait for my brain to get over the cerebral overload, maybe have a private party to celebrate this milestone (drinking can help kills those hyperactive brain cells), and then I plough into the last two books. These have been waiting patiently for 3 years, waiting for books 3-6 to be completed before I finished them. Now the groundwork is laid out, the final two books can finally take their shape.
But first.... I have GOT to get some sleep!!!