I was riding through Portland a couple days ago with my folks. It was a lovely clear day, so as we crossed Marquam Bridge, I was able to point out both Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens to them. It's rare enough to see Mt. Hood with all the clouds we usually have, but even on clear days St Helens is hard to see. It's rare indeed to see it so pristine! But it was a lovely cloudless day ... except for the cloud coming from St. Helens! I didn't take this picture, but this is almost exactly what I saw, snow and all.
I've only seen the volcano 2-3 other times and never on an active day. It's actually a little unnerving! I know it's only steam, but it makes you think about what could happen ... and what did happen back in 1980.
Around here, 27 years have not really dimmed the memories of the native Oregonians. They still have their stories of the day the volcano blew. Then they glance over to "our volcano," Mt. Hood, the two looking at each other like giant siblings glaring down through the ages, and you can see in their eyes a wondering "what if" driving an old fear into them.