In my manuscript
Ghost Coast, I have a character named Byron who loves poetry, although ironically he's not fond of poetry by Lord Byron. (His favorite poet is Walt Whitman.) He recites a poem he uses for meditation. I researched a lot of poetry, wanting something meditative, filled with images of nature, which would fit Byron's personality as a Wiccan. I read on
Pravs World, "life is a mountain," and I thought, "No, each day is a mountain." I probably read that somewhere, it doesn't sound original; however, this poem just flowed out from that thought, so fast that I had to write it quickly, like sopping up spilled wine. I paid no attention to rhythm and little to rhyme, although the ABCB rhyme scheme kicked in naturally. It just flowed out of my soul. That's the sort of poem my guy Byron would write. I thought I'd share it with my friends, since so many of you are climbing your own personal mountains.
by Robyn Ann McKenzie
Each day is a mountain.
I climb it alone.
I climb ever upward
Struggling to find home.
One mountain is Hope,
The other Despair,
One is the Pain
I silently bear.
With each step up the trail
I grow stronger each day.
My soul guides me forward,
My heart knows the way.
Some of the paths are well-trodden,
Others I wander with no guide.
I don’t always know what I seek,
Only that I can’t ever hide.
Each step is a promise
I make to my soul,
Never to stop climbing
To my unreachable goal.
In silent meditation
I struggle each day.
My soul guides me forward,
My heart knows the way.
(Yes, this is my own work. Please don't steal it. Thanks, friends! Keep on climbing.)