Yep, that voice was back. But this was way different.
I had waited to hear her for two nights, and it seemed like nothing again last night. So I asked out loud, "Were you real? What are you?"
I was sitting up in bed, my back against the wall, my feet stretched widthwise. Suddenly, I saw something on my ceiling. I looked up and saw the whole frickin' roof peel back. I swear, I would have screamed, except I couldn't. I saw the stars, the clouds, everything.
Suddenly, there was a black hole, darker than the night sky. I saw something like electricity pulling at its edges, like... I don't know, like it was peeling back space itself. Very sci-fi. Then I saw these weird shapes. You know the stories of fairies and elves and goblins? They were like a mixture of those, sort of whitish yellow, fuzzy around the edges like they were out of focus, and they were dancing and just... frolicking is the best term I can think of. This whole scene is still crazy in my mind.
Honestly, I have never done drugs, never even smoked a cigarette! This was not an LSD flashback or something. This really, truly, swear-on-a-stack-of-holy-water-drenched-Bibles honestly happened.
Anyway, out of the center of this pitch black hole came a single woman's eye. I don't know how I knew it was a woman's, it just felt that way. This was no burning eye of Sauron, mind you, although it was way creepy. Her eyelids were the darkness, her iris was blue, like a dark evening sky. However, I felt like she was peaceful just by the way the eye looked at me.
She then said, "I am Kerry Dwin. You heard me sing."
Okay, I was ready to crap myself at this point. I was saying to myself, "This has to be a vision, if it was real everyone in the house would have heard her!" I was very frightened, but I sensed she was waiting for a question, like the questions game we played before.
So I asked again, "What are you?"
She replied, "I am that which I am."
Hold the phone! I know that quote. Bible, God speaking.
I told her, "That's the answer of a deity."
The eye blinked... blinked! Weird.
So I asked, "Are you a god?"
She said, "Not in the way you imagine it." She suddenly said, "I'm scaring you. You aren't ready. You will be soon."
And poof, ceiling was back to normal, no weird yellow critters, no starlight, no booming voice.
I have no clue what to think about that. I'm still wondering about what it means. I drew a picture of what I saw.

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