I've been on a bit of a forced diet: i.e. had my teeth yanked and still on mostly soft foods. I'm back to my normal eating more or less. I wouldn't say I can chew a thick steak, but chicken and pastas are about what I eat normally anyway.
I had to be weighed before the surgery. 162. I know, never ask a girl her weight, and I'm not happy with that weight. I was up to 170 just after the winter holidays, so it's slowly going down...slowly...too damn slowly! So now, 162... it's within normal range for my height and body-frame, but of course I don't want to be hugging that upper number. I want to be normal, maybe even a tad thin.
When wearing clothes, I don't look fat. My height covers up the chubbiness. I'm the tallest girl of all my friends, big-boned too (no, really, my bones are big and my shoulders are broad). My friends all tell me how I haven't gained weight since high school. How wrong they are! I was 120 and considered "severely underweight" for my body size. The lack of fat around my vital organs was causing medical problems. An emergency high-fat diet was ordered by a nutritionist. I probably didn't need it. College packed the pounds on for me quite nicely. Between having a doctor order my mother to put butter on everything she gave me, and then ending up with a diet made mostly of vending machine food and high-octane sodas, those pounds never came off. I needn't worry about low-fat-ratios anymore. Put me in a bathing suit and the cellulite is like some monster in a horror movie ready to jiggle its way into leveling Tokyo.
What they removed in my operation was far under a pound, although I felt like I bled a gallon. Ugh! The diet was a good idea, I figured. Maybe eating less would balance out the fact that I was stuck in bed and couldn't go out on my usual walks due to severe anemia.
It was a little better than that.
I recently weighed myself again. 157. That might not seem like much, but that's the first time I've been under 160 since getting married. That's 5 pounds I've lost in 2 weeks. That's FIVE POUNDS I lost while sitting on my ass and doing next to nothing. No exercising, no walks, I wasn't even allowed to bend over lest I start hemorrhaging.
Best of all, I find myself simply not hungry. I may eat two meals a day...maybe. Sometimes coffee and a yogurt are more than enough to get my through until dinner. It's not that I'm starving myself. My stomach simply shrank. I eat less food and less frequently. Chinese takeout, which I used to scarf down in no time, now lasts for two meals. The fact that I have to eat so slowly due to surgery in my mouth and face helps as well.
I can't wait to see how my weight continues to drop as I'm finally able to add in my hikes through the hills into this new eating style.
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