Monday, April 11, 2005

The Bermuda Triangle

A little background. Things in my room disappear and reappear way too frequently. I mean, they will vanish and reappear smack dab next to me.

Well, I was looking for my W-2 forms to finish up my tax returns. I did the State taxes already, but lost the Federal forms. So, still unable to find the forms, I decide, what the heck, I'll do it online.

I knew I filed my W-2 forms in my top drawer, where I put all my important papers. So I look. Not there. I just cleaned my top drawer too (looking for something I knew was there, and never did find it until a week later)! I get my little sister, and we look everywhere for these stupid forms. I tell her about things disappearing, and she says she knows, Dad has complained about it too, losing tools in my room just to have them reappear exactly where he knew they were last (see this past post).

Well, I'm freaking out because many hours have passed and no sign of the forms, and taxes are due in four days. I checked the drawer multiple times. Finally, I complained about it to Matt over IM, and he asked if I just shout "I give up," maybe whatever is hiding my stuff will give it back. That worked once, looking for a necklace. I had cleared my piano seat totally off, knowing that's where I left it, then shouted "Forget it!" in frustration. Thirty minutes later, the necklace was laying in the middle of the cleared piano bench.

So, it worked once, I try it again.

Hour later, I look in the drawer.


My sister suggested I start looking in places I know I would never, ever put it. Well, one instantly comes to my mind. My vanity desk. I keep the mirror lid down all the time, usually piled with crap on top, so I never put anything inside in. I clear off the lid and open it.

There, in the middle of the vanity, are my W-2's.

I screamed with frustration.

Someone is getting a kick out of doing this to me.