Saturday, June 30, 2007

Not My Week

Ever have "one of those days"? Well, I've been having one of those weeks.

First, my parents are visiting, which is usually cool, I like my folks, but they have two Pomeranians now. I'm allergic to dogs, and these two are as poofy as they get. They want to do all sorts of shopping while up here in Oregon so they don't have to pay taxes. They've already bought an electric grill, a toaster, some tools, a cargo attachment for their RV, and a laptop for my little sister. That's some major money! I hate shopping, just ain't my thing, but my hubby's working, so I have to show them around. And my parents takes the dogs everywhere they go. And dogs love me! They like to get up right into my face, and one, Kissmo, gives me licks, sending me into sneeze fits. If I touch them to push them aside, my hands start itching madly. But I'm not going to complain when my mother has spent over $200 already on blouses and some very nice dresses that I would never have bothered buying on my own. So, shopping isn't my thing, and the dogs bug me, but okay, I'll deal!

But then, as I was walking around with my dad, I hit a pothole or something, started to fall toward a truck (not cool). Luckily, I caught myself on a street sign before getting run over, but I sprained my ankle and reinjured my knee (which has never really healed), plus in the process of catching myself I sprained my wrist and broke my finger. So now I'm limping and I have a metal splint on my right index finger, and I'm right handed, so my life just got 60% harder to do simple tasks. Working on the computer in general is now tough. Try working a mouse some day with your index finger bulked up and sticking straight out, clicking with your middle and ring fingers. Not fun.

Today, my hubby and I had the day off with my folks staying in the RV enjoying the rain. We decided to try a new Asian restaurant called Hot Plate. The food was good, but while I was eating the sweet'n'sour soup (soup of all things) my tooth that has been needing fixed for ... well, too long (hush now, I have a reason to hate dentists, I'm deathly allergic to all numbing stuff, so dental work is unpleasant, to say the least) ... anyway, the tooth broke, right there at the table. I sudden felt a crack, reached back with my tongue, and it's wobbly like a six-year-old. Just broke off, all I had to do was pull it out and put a napkin up there for a couple seconds, hardly bled at all. Now my mouth hurts, and the front part of my tooth feels like it wants to break too ... and the pain is shooting up my nose, which makes me sneeze ... and I'm on my period, so all you women know how sneezing on your period is just not fun.

So I'm limping, toting a broken finger around in a metal splint, my mouth swollen, my gut bloated, cramping up a storm, and riding around town with my folks, shopping which I hate doing, with their dogs which I'm allergic to, and my dad keeps forgetting to take his happy pills so he's acting like a grumpy old man arguing with my mom about everything until they really do sound like an old couple.

Oh, and did I mention my cat is having a kitty crisis? He's fallen in love with our neighbor's cute little Persian - who, by the way, hates his feline guts - so now he mopes around, hates us, scratches and bites a lot more, and he jets toward the door if he even thinks he hears it opening. He's not allowed outside, especially not with Fluffy out there giving him disdainful looks, so when he does sneak out I have to chase him down before the neighbor's dogs scare him up a tree... limping... cramping... with a broken finger... and sneezing from dog danger and broken tooth pain.

It's just not my week!

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