Monday, August 11, 2008

The Wrist Pop

I damaged my wrist a couple days ago (don't ask how, really!) We can't afford X-rays, but I broke my wrist in 4th grade, I remember what it was like, and this isn't as bad. I've got a brace on it that prevents my wrist and thumb from moving. As for the bones, they're not too bad or I'd be in enormous pain, and honestly my wrist feels great so long as I don't use it. Maybe sprained, maybe broken, who knows. If it's still really sore after my birthday, we might suck it up and get x-rays after all. I REALLLLY do not want to be in a cast during the summer again.

Typing like this hurts after five minutes or so, which means my novel writing is on hiatus. That's fine, I just finished Shadowstrider Book 7 a couple weeks ago. I don't think I blogged about that, so belated YAY for me! Anyway, with the book done, I can go through and start revisions. So my wrist gets some rest.

Otherwise, I'm fine. Matt's taking me out tomorrow for my birthday. And he has a special present for me. I get to find out tomorrow.

Best of wishes to everyone! Summer is halfway over. Ahhhhh!

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