Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas Writing

People on my fanfiction sites have asked why I'm not updating as frequently. I'd love to have some tragic reason that makes all of you pity me, but that's not the case. My husband has me utterly addicted to Star Wars: The Old Republic, on The Harbinger server, in case you play too. Between my Consular "Rhov" and my Smuggler "Nikolai'Hel" I'm having way too much fun. (Note: I play a male smuggler, my hubby plays a female Jedi...gender-bender RP'ing FTW!)

I've also been busy with Christmas stuff, including my hubby's birthday, relatives visiting from out-of-state, Hanukkah (in-laws are Jewish), many small ensemble performances, Christmas caroling, potluck parties (I always cook green bean casserole and people eagerly look forward to it, which I think is bizarre), and tomorrow I perform on trombone in a concert with my local symphonic band. Also, in one week I'll be flying back home to Los Angeles, enjoying the Hollywood sites, the sunny Southern California beaches, going to Disneyland since my brother works there and can get me in for free, and spending 8 of those 12 days of Christmas with friends and family. I'll be on vacation until after the New Year. I might get some writing done, but I doubt it.

So that's my lame excuse for laziness: gaming, partying, performing, cooking, and vacationing.

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